About Us
From the days of Gutenberg and AlloisSenifelder, printing has come a long way. Technology has made major inroads into the printing process, cutting out line delays, cost over runs and offering affordable print perfection – on time, all the time.
Letterhead to books, posters to danglers, calendars to diaries, annual reports, BOPP, PVC, HIPS, Poly Carbonate sheets with Lenticular and many other … N.K. Gossain Printing Press Pvt Ltd has them all. This publishing unit of N. K.Gossain Printing Press Pvt Ltd undertakes the publishing of quality printing jobs of all kinds. In 1959 Late Mr. N.K.Gossain, who subsequently became the President of All India Masters Printers Association established the erstwhile company N.K. Gossain& Co. Pvt Ltd with a vision … “to provide quality printing services and a dream to be the benchmark for excellence in printing”.
N.K. Gossain Printing Press Pvt Ltd is a one-stop facility equipped with some of the latest and most technically advanced machinery. A winning combination of impeccable quality, cutting-edge technology and exemplary customer service has enabled N. K. Gossain to leave its mark on every kind of job that it prints – Brochures, Posters, Folders, Books, Annual Reports, Calendars, Greeting Cards, Stickers, Cartons, Labels, Danglers, Chain Penants, Streamers, leaflets etc. Starting with 10 employees and a dream to create the county’s best commercial printing establishment, N.K. Gossain Printing Press Pvt Ltd has created a state-of-the-art full-service printing facility that can be ranked among the top five of all commercial printers countywide.
In an industry where competition is by the dozen, it is nosmall wonder that N.K. Gossain Printing Press Pvt Ltd has today established itself in the field with a strong foundation of a loyal and trusting client base. N.K. Gossain Printing Press Pvt Ltd is known for its personalized attention to its clients. It ensures that the clients are satisfied at all levels of the print assignment, including prompt services and henceforth holds an illustrious list of clients, to its credit. Major clients like ITC LtdThe Tata Steel Co., N.K.RealtorsLtd., Dabur India Ltd., Organon India Ltd., Reliance, Exide Industries, Eveready Industries IndiaLtd .. Engineering Export Promotion Council.
Hutchison Telecom East Ltd .. Life Insurance Corporation of India Ltd., Bharat Pertoleum Corp. Ltd ..IBP Co. Ltd., Polar Industries. Hahnemann Laboratory Ltd. Allen Laboratory Ltd. Ambuja Cement Eastern Ltd ..Banik Rubber Industries Ltd., BanphoolAyurvedBhawan Pvt. Ltd .. Shalimar Paints Ltd . .Aajkal Publisher Ltd ..Bartaman Pvt. Ltd .. Bata India Ltd .. ChandrasChernical Enterprise Ltd.CESCLtd .. WPIL Ltd .. Duncan Tea, Damodar Valley Corporation, Geological Survey Of India, HindLever Chemicals Ltd. Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd.,Kahitan India Ltd., Jenson &Nicholoson India Ltd.Birla Group of Companies. UshaBeltron Ltd. IFB Industries Limited, Britannia Industries Ltd., Brooke Bond Lipton India Ltd., British Council Div., Berger Paints India Ltd .. BOC India Ltd., to name a few. With the excellent quality printing &delivery promises always fulfilled, this Company hasnot only created a trust &confidence in its customer’s mind and grown from strength to strength, butalso has been continuously rewarded with prestigious Presidential awards by none other then Department of Advertising &Visual Publicity, Govt. of India. Please feel free to get in touch if you need any further information.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully,
For N K Gossain Printing Press Pvt Ltd